From the photographer to the front desk manager and all the way up to the CEO, they all keep pointing her back to God. We even meet the man who hurt Caroline and watch God work the mess right out of his life, too. Don't Write Me Off pours God's word on wounded hearts. There are scriptures and Bible truths dashed and rubbed through the entire love story. No profanity. No vivid sex scenes. Sex did happen, but it's written like the Bible, sort of like, "he lay with her" or "deflowered her." And that's it for housekeeping. By now, you know I'm a sucker for a good love story. This was no exception. There was a very handsome man who couldn't keep his eyes off our sweet Caroline. I was curled up smiling the whole time he got closer only to be pushed away until he fought his way into her heart. I loved this story, especially the wisdom-rich elders like Jack's mom and Aunt Emni. There is something special about having a woman of God to help you sort through all the distractions and see God. Definitely worth more than rubies. Check out this book from Glory Orah on Goodreads. Comments are closed.